How do I survive the school holidays?

It’s that time of year that many parents dread – school holidays!!!!!

The usual daily routine has been thrown into chaos because your little darlings have broken up for the summer holidays. Suddenly you’re a few days in, feel like everything is alright and you’re managing to retain your sanity then you hear your little cherubs utter, “Mam……..I’m bored!” As a mother to 3 sons, this is a phrase I have heard time and time again when the school holidays arrive, so I can empathise with the various feelings, thoughts and anxieties associated with this time of year.

It’s normal to have a mixture of feelings and emotions such as anxiety around what you’re going to do with the kids for 6 weeks, fear and dread of how much it’s going to cost to keep the kids entertained which is then followed by sadness and relief of when the new school terms starts once again.

Unfortunately, not all parents are able to spend the entire summer holidays with their children and may be riddled with sadness and guilt for not being able to go on fun-filled days out with their children. Full-time working and limited annual leave can mean there is stiff competition with other colleagues to get a precious week off to spend time with their little ones and enjoy the summer fun.

It’s easy to fall into negative thinking traps of wishing you were with the kids and resenting the fact that you have to work however for some parents it is the other way around, wishing for a break from the kids and craving some well-deserved ‘me-time’.

Surely there must be a way to strike a balance, get that happy medium all parents would love to have? The answer is not some kind of magical-wizardry but rather lies in smaller bite-sized tips and ideas that I’d love to share to reduce your feelings of guilt, sadness and normalise that you’re not the only parent who is feeling the same way as you are right now.


Accept your feelings and forgive yourself

Acceptance is the biggest part of dealing with any feelings of parental guilt. In my experience talking to other parents is the best way to realise that you’re not the only one who feels this way as your feelings become validated and normalised.

Learning to forgive yourself can seem like a massive hill to climb however by utilising the support of your partner, friends or other parents you know allows you talk about your struggles, how your feelings about the lack of time with your kids and any other problems relating to time spent with your kids. Remember you are only human and it’s okay to acknowledge your emotions, the key is healthily managing them.


Get out!

Fed up and feel like you’re going crazy due to endless Ceebies and Peppa Pig? One solution is to get out and enjoy some fresh air. As old fashioned as this may sound there is nothing like getting out and about to blow off the cobwebs and reduce boredom. Whether it is a walk to the local park or a day out at the beach getting outside can help to lift mood and the chance to burn up some of the excess energy is good for the children. This also shows the kids that they do not need to rely on technology or computer games in order to have fun.


What do you want to do?

Encourage the kids to suggest ideas for days out or activities to do during the school holidays, you may be surprised by what they would like to do. I have always found the best times I have with my children is when they suggest an unexpected activity, which creates some great memories to look back on.



Whether you’re living on a shoestring budget or have stacks of cash to spare it is a good idea to set some money aside every week for activities, days out and treats for the family.  


Make the most of your time

When you work full-time, it can be tricky to get involved in the everyday routine at home however the small things such as reading the kids a bedtime story or snuggling up to watch their favourite movie at the weekend can make a difference not only to your mood but the child’s wellbeing. It will help to reduce the feeling that you’re missing out on precious time with your family.